Mountain View Christian School

Seventh-day Adventist Center of Learning
>Home >About Us >Grades 1-8

Grades Pre-K - 8Th

Dear Parents and Students,
     We are so thankful for our teacher, Mrs. Sheila Armstead. Here is her personal testimony of who she is as an educator.


Sheila Armstead:

"My philosophy as a Christian teacher is twofold loving well and providing a joyful learning experience. Loving well encompasses my personal relationship with Jesus, my intentional connections with students and families, and fostering student relationships with each other, the community, and their own relationship with Jesus. Joyful learning grows out of that space of feeling cared for and valued. It has been my privilege to be a teacher and create learning environments where students have been able to flourish since 2003.

    Giving back and helping others is a reciprocal action within my own life. Teachers were an integral part of the “good stuff” of my childhood. They inspired me to pay that goodness forward into the lives of the students that enter my classroom. I have also had the opportunity to reach out into communities through church and school activities. That has included volunteering in VBS programs, Nativity productions, mission trips to Mexico, raising money for wells in Africa, and helping reach the unhoused community or those that need food assistance. Ralph Emerson provides this inspiration, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” "


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